A Message from the President
Dear Colleagues,
It is with great pleasure that I greet you all and formally mark the beginning of our work in 2024. I am confident that the year will bring progress and achievements.
On our agenda, we have (i) the continuation of activities carried out by the Working Groups on Communication; Oil, Gas, Their Derivatives and Biofuels; and Energy Transition, which, within their specificities, will contribute to strengthening our institution and sector; (ii) the organisation and development of our Intranet, which will optimise our interaction and exchange of technical information; (iii) technical visits and professional training activities; (iv) strengthening our role as a network of regulators by expanding our involvement in different forums. Here, I highlight the significance of our most recent achievement in joining the International Confederation of Energy Regulators – ICER; (v) visiting the agencies and entities of all countries that make up RELOP to exchange experiences and bring them closer together; and (vi) holding the 2024 General Assembly and Annual Conference in Brazil.
This entails a considerable amount of work, but it is also (and above all) the result of our commitment, dedication, and cooperation.
Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone for the support and confidence in the election that took place at the last General Assembly in Cape Verde, resulting in ANEEL assuming the presidency of the RELOP Board. I thank you for this opportunity and pledge to continue working to strengthen RELOP.
Wishing you all a happy 2024.
Hélvio Guerra