RELOP promotes technical meeting on energy sector between Cape Verde and São Tome and Príncipe regulators

The regulators of São Tome and Príncipe (AGER and ANP-STP) and Cape Verde (ARME) held a technical meeting to share information on the regulation of the energy sector in both countries, within the scope of RELOP – Association of Energy Regulators of Portuguese Speaking Countries.

The meeting, held in Praia, Cape Verde, from July 9 to 11, was organized by the Permanent Secretariat of RELOP and had the financial support of the European Commission.

The objective was to share and reflect together, as insular countries, on the energy sector and its regulation.

It was intended that throughout the working days the participants would present the framework of the energy sector in their country, share challenges, studies, objectives, as well as difficulties and examples of success cases in the sector, discussing together different solutions. The debates also included the sharing of experiences by ERSE experts, as well as an academic and technical perspective from a Professor at the Institute of Systems Engineering and Computers, Technology and Science and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

The meeting resulted in a document containing the operational conclusions as well as the identification of concrete topics for future cooperation between the Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe regulators.