XIII RELOP Annual Conference

The 13th Conference of the Association of Energy Regulators of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries took place on the 9th of November 2022, in the city of Oporto, in Portugal.

The event was a space for sharing and common reflection on the most relevant and current issues for the energy sector, from geopolitical impacts to security of supply and technological innovations that contribute to energy transition and system resilience.

The regulators also had the opportunity to share their main challenges and perspectives on regulation at a round table.

The Conference had speakers and participants from regulators, academia, companies and industry associations from the 3 continents, which challenged and inspired to think about the present and future of energy.

Geopolitical Impacts on Energy Resilience and Transition

Mariana Pereira

Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos

Alexandre Dias Monteiro

Ministro da Indústria, Comércio e Energia de Cabo Verde

Nelson Hubner

Consultor para área da energia e ex-Ministro de Minas e Energia do Brasil

Antonio Erias Rey

Universidade da Corunha

Security of Supply

Albino Ferreira

Presidente da RELOP e do Instituto Regulador dos Derivados do Petróleo de Angola

Nivalde de Castro

Grupo de Estudos do Sector Elétrico (GESEL)

Jorge Lúcio

Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Gás (APEG)

Contributions to the Energy Transition

Leonilde Santos

Vice-presidente da RELOP e Presidente da Agência Reguladora Multissetorial da Economia de Cabo Verde

José Campos Rodrigues

Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção do Hidrogénio (AP2H2)

Round table: challenges and perspectives of regulation

Artur Trindade

Diretor Executivo da RELOP

Carlos Ramos

Agência Reguladora Multissetorial da Economia de Cabo Verde

Ilidio Bambo

Autoridade Reguladora de Energia de Moçambique

Luiz Gamboa

Agência Nacional do Petróleo de S. Tomé e Príncipe

Case study: Models of economic regulation to mitigate economic poverty