III Annual RELOP Conference

Regulation of Energy in Portuguese Speaking Countries

The third Annual RELOP Conference took place in Rio de Janeiro, on the 4th of November 2010. There, the regulation of energy in Portuguese Speaking Countries was discussed.

The meeting was made of a series of interventions which focused on very specific topics, related to relevant problems to some of RELOP members. Namely, non-technical losses (also known as theft), the articulation between financing and concession mechanisms and other topics related to transmission and distribution of electric energy or the Brazilian Program “Light for Everybody”, which is a big success of Brazilian energy policy, and a great example for other RELOP countries.

It must also be underlined that other themes related to fuels (the regulation of biofuels, distribution of LPG, “Pré-Sal”) gained prominence in this edition.

We had the privilege to gather speakers with very distinct points of view, which contributed to a fruitful debate. Active operators in markets of varying levels of maturity, analysts, and renowned academics participated in the conference, which allowed to deepen the debate and make our regulatory models more consistent.

Opening Speeches


II Annual RELOP Conference

Regulation of Energy Portuguese Speaking Countries

The second Annual RELOP Conference, which took place in Praia, Cape Verde, between 7 and 8 of July 2009, was dedicated to the debate of the regulation of energy and the governance models of the member-entities of the Association.

Within this framework, under the coordination of ERSE – Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos – Portugal, the Benchmark Study about Governance Models was presented.

The RELOP presidency showcased the RELOP Portal contributing, in this way, to the fulfillement of one of the main purposes for the creation of the Association – institutionalizing a platform for cooperation and sharing of information between energy regulators from Portuguese Speaking Countries.

Opening Speeches

RELOP Presentations

Guests’ Presentations

I Annual RELOP Conference

Energy Regulation in Portuguese Speaking Countries

The first Annual RELOP Conference took place in Lisbon, on the 29th of may 2008, on the occasion of the creation of the Association of Energy Regulators in Portuguese Speaking Countries, dedicated to the topic “Energy Regulation in Portuguese Speaking Countries”.

Throughout the last decade the economic regulation was the driving element of the administrative organization model’s deep transformation, with obvious repercussions on the design of the energy sector, promoting the market openness and competition, rationality and efficiency of operation, with relevant benefits to consumers, regarding quality of service and protection in relation to prices and tariffs.

The development and deepening of the economic regulation followed different paths according to each country’s specificities, namely in terms of economic organization, the characteristics and structure of its energy sector and its economic and geographical dimension.

The exchange of experience between countries that naturally followed different regulamentary paths, but share a common patrimony – the portuguese language – justifies the creation, given he benefits that it presents to all parties, of a supranational associative entity, with the primary goal of building a platform for cooperation, technical training and exchange of knowledge and information, and promotion of future initiatives.
