XII Annual RELOP Conference

Energy Transition and Regional Challenges

THE XII Annual RELOP Conference took place on the 24th October 2019 in Luanda, Angola, gathering the representatives from Angola, Brazil, Cape Verde, Mozambique, Portugal and São Tomé and Príncipe to debate the “Energy Transition and Regional Challenges”.

The Conference was a place of joint sharing and reflection on the energy transition, on the one hand, an important challenge in the combat with climate change, but also a facilitator in energizing the economy and generating investment and employment opportunities.

Besides this debate, the participants also reflected on some regional challenges that the lusophone regulators come across during their activity.

The Conference was also attended by representatives from the academy, business, and associations operating in the sector.

I Panel – Energy Transition and Climate Change


Natalie McCoy, ERSE – Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos, Portugal

II Panel – Gender Equality in the Energy Sector


Maria de Conceição Mendes, AGER – Autoridade Geral de Regulação, São Tomé and Príncipe

III Panel – Regional Challenges – Universal Energy Access


Maria Cristina Portugal, ERSE – Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos, Portugal

IV Panel – Regional Challenges – Opening of Markets


Manuel Ferreira, IRDP – Instituto Regulador dos Derivados do Petróleo, Angola

RELOP promotes technical meeting on energy sector between Cape Verde and São Tome and Príncipe regulators

The regulators of São Tome and Príncipe (AGER and ANP-STP) and Cape Verde (ARME) held a technical meeting to share information on the regulation of the energy sector in both countries, within the scope of RELOP – Association of Energy Regulators of Portuguese Speaking Countries.

The meeting, held in Praia, Cape Verde, from July 9 to 11, was organized by the Permanent Secretariat of RELOP and had the financial support of the European Commission.

The objective was to share and reflect together, as insular countries, on the energy sector and its regulation.

It was intended that throughout the working days the participants would present the framework of the energy sector in their country, share challenges, studies, objectives, as well as difficulties and examples of success cases in the sector, discussing together different solutions. The debates also included the sharing of experiences by ERSE experts, as well as an academic and technical perspective from a Professor at the Institute of Systems Engineering and Computers, Technology and Science and the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto.

The meeting resulted in a document containing the operational conclusions as well as the identification of concrete topics for future cooperation between the Cape Verde and Sao Tome and Principe regulators.

XI Annual RELOP Conference

RELOP celebrates 10 years of existence, highlighting the protagonism of the Association for the regulatory development of the 11 member-entities

The XI Annual Conference of the Association of Energy Regulators of Portuguese Speaking Countries (RELOP), which took place in Brasília, Brazil, on the 21st May 2018, in the ANEEL headquarters, gathered 22 representatives from Portugal, Brazil, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique and São Tomé and Príncipe to debate the technological and regulatory developments in the energy sector.

The opening of the Conference, which marks the 10th anniversary of the Association’s foundation, was carried out by ANEEL’s Director, André Pepitone da Nóbrega, who reinforced the RELOP’s protagonism in the regulatory development of the 11 entities from the six associate countries.

The President of RELOP, Guilherme Mavila, from the Mozambican regulator ARENE, highlighted the importance of the conference, marking the 10th anniversary of the association, as well as the choice of topic for this year, dedicated to the technological and regulatory developments in the electrical sector.

The first Panel was dedicated to “Technological and Regulatory Developments in the Electricity Sector” and allowed to analyse the new information, research and development monitorization systems in the energy sector and the advances in solar energy.

The second Panel about “Technological and Regulatory Developments in the Oil and Gas Sectors” focused on the challenges of the expansion of the use of gas in the electrical sector, as well as the stability of the regulatory frameworks in the oil and biofuel sectors.

The third Panel on “Challenges for the maintenance of regulatory quality and independence” discussed the obstacles to the regulators’ autonomy and the regulatory impact evaluation mechanisms. Other topic debated was the coordination role between countries for the construction of a new energy sector governance, during the “Energy Integration and International Experiences” Panel.

The meeting ended with a roundtable about the development of distribution network markets.

I Panel – Technological and Regulatory Developments in the Electricity Sector


Luís Mourão da Silva, IRSEA – Instituto Regulador dos Serviços de Electricidade e de Água, Angola

II Panel – Technological and Regulatory Developments in the Oil and Gas Sectors


Bruno Valle de Moura, ANP – Agência Nacional do Petróleo, Gás Natural e Biocombustíveis, Brazil

III Panel – Challenges for the maintenance of regulatory quality and independence


Maria Cristina Portugal, ERSE – Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos, Portugal

Roundtable on the Development of Network Distribution Markets


Carlos Alberto Calixto Mattar, ANEEL – Agência Nacional de Energia Elétrica, Brazil

X Annual RELOP Conference

Regional cooperation in the Electrical Sector in Portuguese Speaking Countries

The X Annual RELOP Conference, which took place on the 25th October 2017, on ERSE’s premises, in Lisbon, under the presidency of ARE – Agência de Regulação Económica, Cape Verde, followed the theme of Regional cooperation in the Electrical Sector in Portuguese Speaking Countries and the integration of renewables in the energy system.

The Annual RELOP Conference allowed to share different experiences in cooperation and integration of electrical, natural gas and oil markets in Portuguese Speaking Countries, and analyse the Iberian electrical market (Mibel) and the energetic pool experience in Southern Africa.

It was also possible to explore the challenges that the countries of Sub-Saharian Africa face regarding the regulation of the electrical sector, as well as the CPLP Business Confederation project to create a new economical market in the Portuguese Speaking Countries Community.

The emergence of renewables and the technical and economic challenges of their network integration was also a debated topic in the X Annual RELOP Conference, in which the portuguese and brazilian experiences were shared.


I Panel – Experiences in Cooperation and Integration in Electrical Markets

III Panel – Great Regulatory Developments in Portuguese Speaking Countries

Roundtable on the Integration of Renewables

IX Annual RELOP Conference

Infrastructures and Investments: Regulation, Financing and Cooperation

The IX Annual RELOP Conference, which took place in Mozambique, on the 5th and 6th December 2016, was organized by the national regulators CNELEC – Conselho Nacional de Electricidade and INP – Instituto Nacional do Petróleo.


VIII Annual RELOP Conference

Energy Sector Regulation: CPLP Regulatory Matrix Paths

The VIII Annual RELOP Conference took place in São Tomé and Príncipe on the 2nd and 3rd September 2015, organized by the national regulator AGER – Autoridade Geral de Regulação, and allowed to reflect on the CPLP (Portuguese Speaking Community) Regulatory Matrix paths.

I Panel – Policy for the CPLP Energy Sector

II Panel – State and Perspectives of Regulation – Regulators’ vision in Portuguese Speaking Countries

III Panel – Experiences and New Paths for Regulation in the CPLP

IV Panel – Regulation in the Oil Sector

VII Annual RELOP Conference

The regulation of energy sectors in times of paradigm change

The VII Annual RELOP Conference, which took place in the city of Praia, Cape Verde, on the 4th and 5th of September 2014, was organized by ARE – Agência de Regulação Económica, and allowed for a healthy debate on the regulation of the energy sectors in times of paradigm change.

The energy sector of the Portuguese Speaking Countries is going through a period of important transformations, product of, on the one hand, the acceleration of the integration of renewable energies in the electrical sector, and on the other hand, the restructuring of the prices control mechanisms and the fossil fuel subsidies, as a way to limit the fiscal impact and correct market disruptions.

The conference also provided a reflection opportunity to the regulatory entities on the role they can assume in strenghtening the technical cooperation and the training and transfer of knowledge not only between its associates, but among all countries part of the Portuguese Speaking Community (CPLP).

I Panel – Global Panorama

II Panel – Electricity and Renewable Energies

III Panel – Natural Gas and Oil

Technical Seminar

VI Annual RELOP Conference

The Quality of Energy and Services Regulation in Portuguese Speaking Countries

A VI Conferência Anual da RELOP, que este ano se realizou em Luanda, a 30 e 31 de maio de 2013, organizada pelo Instituto Regulador do Setor Eléctrico (IRSE) permitiu discutir a qualidade da regulação da energia e dos serviços nos vários países de língua oficial portuguesa, mas também recolher outras experiências, nomeadamente a do Uruguai.

A par da atividade da regulação no setor elétrico, a conferência da RELOP debateu a regulação nos setores do petróleo e do gás natural, através da análise do que estava a ser feito em Angola em termos de regulação petrolífera e do programa de desenvolvimento do gás.

Foi ainda possível conhecer a experiência da Regional Electricity Regulators Association of Southern Africa (RERA), a primeira associação de reguladores de eletricidade em África, constituída por 10 países da áfrica austral.

I Panel

II Panel

III Panel

I Session

II Session

IV Panel

V Annual RELOP Conference

Energy Regulation in Portuguese Speaking Countries: New Challenges

A V Conferência da RELOP, organizada pela ERSE a 31 de Maio e 1 de Junho de 2012, em Lisboa, por ocasião da comemoração do Dia Mundial de Energia, contou com a intervenção de dezenas de oradores que debateram temas tão diversos como o financiamento das infraestruturas e os novos instrumentos de para aprofundamento dos mercados, ou os novos desafios do setor elétrico como as energias renováveis, as smart grids, os contadores inteligentes e a mobilidade elétrica.

As energias renováveis foram um tema em grande destaque nesta V Conferência da RELOP, tendo sido possível uma partilha de experiências entre o que está a ser feito em Portugal e no Mercado Ibérico, no Brasil e em Angola.

A qualidade de serviço em Portugal e também no Brasil, nomeadamente no setor elétrico, foi outro dos temas em destaque nesta conferência, que analisou ainda o mercado do petróleo e do gás e o papel que a Bacia Atlântica, inclusive Portugal, poderá vir a desempenhar nesta matéria. A V Conferência Anual da RELOP contou na cerimónia de encerramento com a presença do Secretário de Estado da Energia português, Artur Trindade.

31 May

Opening Speeches


1 June


IV Annual RELOP Conference

Quality of Regulation

The IV Annual RELOP Conference took place in Brasilia, between 30 of June and 1 of July 2011. Participants from different regulators, companies and universities of Portuguese Speaking Countries contributed to the conference and analised the quality of regulation from a general perspective, and applied to more specific energy sources, such as ethanol or biomass.

Some regulators’ governance models were debated, and how they affect the regulation of the energy sector in their countries, as well as the companies’ perspectives regarding regulatory practices and their impacts in terms of attracting or rejecting foreign investment.

The efficient use of energy resources was one of the most analised topics during the IV Annual Conference, in particular the role of regulators in adopting measures that promote energy efficiency.

Opening Speeches
