XVII RELOP General Assembly

On 13 March 2023, took place the RELOP XVII General Assembly, in virtual format with the presence of 11 of the 12 members of the Association.

At the meeting, the members unanimously approved the 2022 Activities and Accounts Report and were introduced and discussed initiatives to strengthen institutional inter-regulator partnerships, including the creation of a new intranet working area exclusive to members.

The meeting, chaired by the President of the General Assembly, Symone Araújo of the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels of Brazil – ANP, included a presentation by Carlos Ramos of the Multisectoral Economic Regulatory Agency – ARME about the next Annual Conference and General Assembly of RELOP, which will be hosted by Cape Verde.

Members iterated on the will to cooperate and share knowledge and experiences, in various areas of action, reinforcing the Association’s capacity for international projection.

The 2022 Activity and Accounts Report is available for consultation in “Institutional Documents”.

2022 in review

For RELOP, 2022 was a year of positioning and achievement of an ambitious strategic agenda.

The year 2022 was marked by the affirmation of its relevance as an organization focused on the promotion of professional training and knowledge sharing among experts and professionals of its Member Entities, but also for the general public.

Highlights of the year included the election of the new corporate bodies of RELOP for the 2022-2023 biennium, the 13th Annual Conference of RELOP, under the theme “Resilience and Energy Transition”, the launch of the Maria Cristina Portugal Award, the General Meetings, the Peer Training, the Technical Training on Regulation and the creation of the Communication Working Group.

In 2022, RELOP reinforced its relevance as an agent of change, addressing issues of sustainability, resilience, energy transition and strengthening its international presence.

Activity Plan and Budget 2023

The Activities and Budget Plan for 2023, discussed and approved at the XVI General Assembly
of RELOP, is now available for consultation.

The Activity and Budget Plan works as a strategic instrument of action and in it are detailed the
activities to be developed during the year, the objectives to be achieved and the resources
needed for their realization.

In the pursuit of its mission and in the exercise of its powers, RELOP makes available the
Activity Plan for 2023.

Maria Cristina Portugal 2022 Award

RELOP announces the opening of applications for the Maria Cristina Portugal 2022 Award, which aims to distinguish the best technical article on the theme “Energy Transition”.

This is the second edition of the “Technical Regulation Awards” renamed “Maria Cristina Portugal Award”, in honour of the former executive director of RELOP, the driving force behind this project, who passed away in 2021.

This Award aims to recognise the excellence of the regulatory staff of the RELOP member entities and to promote knowledge sharing.

The competition is composed of an international jury, representing three continents, and for which each of the RELOP Board members nominated a personality:

– Professor António Chivanga Barros, Professor at the Department of Engineering and Technology of the Polytechnic Institute of Technology and Science (ISPTEC)

– Professor Renato Lima, Consultant of the Monitoring Unit of the State Enterprise Sector (UASE) and Advisor for regulation of the Ministry of Finance

– Professor Vítor Santos, Permanent Professor at the Institute of Economics and Management of the University of Lisbon (ISEG)

In addition to a certificate and publication of the article on the RELOP website, the winner will receive an invitation to present the article at an international event under the sponsorship of the Association.

The deadline for submissions is open until 21 March 2023.

To be considered for the competition, the articles must have as author or co-author an employee of a RELOP member entity.

Good luck to the candidates!

Maria Cristina Portugal, a lawyer by education, held prominent positions in the energy sector in recent years. She passed away on 8 September 2021.

Maria Cristina was President of the Board of Directors of the Energy Services Regulatory Authority – ERSE, since 2017, where she also held positions as Member of the Board of Directors of ERSE and President of the Tariff Board for 15 years.

Before joining ERSE, Maria Cristina was Vice-President of the Consumer Institute and held the position of Member of the European Commission’s network of experts for a Common Frame of Reference on European Contract Law, where she previously represented the position of technical advisor and Member for the Reform of Consumer Law and the Consumer Code; before that she was a member of the Lisbon District Council of the Bar Association.

Quote: Her contribution to the development of the Portuguese energy sector was decisive, as was her role in stabilising the regulatory framework that allowed for the major boost of renewable energies” – João Pedro Matos Fernandes (former Portuguese Minister for the Environment and Climate Action).

XIII RELOP Annual Conference

The 13th Conference of the Association of Energy Regulators of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries took place on the 9th of November 2022, in the city of Oporto, in Portugal.

The event was a space for sharing and common reflection on the most relevant and current issues for the energy sector, from geopolitical impacts to security of supply and technological innovations that contribute to energy transition and system resilience.

The regulators also had the opportunity to share their main challenges and perspectives on regulation at a round table.

The Conference had speakers and participants from regulators, academia, companies and industry associations from the 3 continents, which challenged and inspired to think about the present and future of energy.

Geopolitical Impacts on Energy Resilience and Transition

Mariana Pereira

Entidade Reguladora dos Serviços Energéticos

Alexandre Dias Monteiro

Ministro da Indústria, Comércio e Energia de Cabo Verde

Nelson Hubner

Consultor para área da energia e ex-Ministro de Minas e Energia do Brasil

Antonio Erias Rey

Universidade da Corunha

Security of Supply

Albino Ferreira

Presidente da RELOP e do Instituto Regulador dos Derivados do Petróleo de Angola

Nivalde de Castro

Grupo de Estudos do Sector Elétrico (GESEL)

Jorge Lúcio

Associação Portuguesa de Empresas de Gás (APEG)

Contributions to the Energy Transition

Leonilde Santos

Vice-presidente da RELOP e Presidente da Agência Reguladora Multissetorial da Economia de Cabo Verde

José Campos Rodrigues

Associação Portuguesa para a Promoção do Hidrogénio (AP2H2)

Round table: challenges and perspectives of regulation

Artur Trindade

Diretor Executivo da RELOP

Carlos Ramos

Agência Reguladora Multissetorial da Economia de Cabo Verde

Ilidio Bambo

Autoridade Reguladora de Energia de Moçambique

Luiz Gamboa

Agência Nacional do Petróleo de S. Tomé e Príncipe

Case study: Models of economic regulation to mitigate economic poverty

XVI General Assembly of RELOP

On 8 November 2022, the General Assembly of RELOP met in the city of Porto, Portugal and was attended by the twelve members of RELOP.

At the meeting, Members unanimously approved the Activity Plan and Budget for 2023 and initiatives to strengthen institutional partnerships and the Association’s participation in the international sphere were presented and discussed, with a view to its promotion.

During the General Assembly, chaired by Ilídio Bambo, from the Mozambique Energy Regulatory Authority – ARENE, communication strategies, internal training, and capacity building were also discussed.

Finally, the return to the face-to-face regime of the General Assembly was a cause for satisfaction on the part of the members, who were able to re-establish connections.

The Activities and Accounts Plan for 2023 is available for consultation in “Institutional Documents”.

Last days to register for the XIII Annual Conference

This year’s Conference takes place on the 9th november at Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda, Oporto, Portugal.

The Conference will be dedicated to Resilience and Energy Transition  as a way to respond to the geopolitical impacts on the global energy sector.

For the last years, this event had gathered more than 100 portuguese-speaking experts from the energy sector, prestigious academics, companies and associations. Always bringing topics that reflect the current panorama of the energy sector.

Check out the portuguese section of the website.

XIII RELOP Annual Conference

The 13th Annual Conference of the Association of Energy Regulators of the Portuguese-Speaking Countries (RELOP) is scheduled for November 9, in Oporto, to be held at the Fundação Dr. António Cupertino de Miranda. The Conference is part of the annual program of meetings between RELOP members.

The Conference will be dedicated to Resilience and Energy Transition as a way to respond to the geopolitical impacts on the global energy sector. Highlighting the key role of resilience and energy transition, we will seek to identify the opportunities and challenges for our countries to have technological solutions for decarbonisation and sustainability, ensuring a fair and inclusive transition, as well as identify new themes that reflect current concerns.

The Conference promoted by RELOP will be attended by national and international experts in the energy field, representatives from academia, companies and sector associations from Portuguese-speaking countries.

In addition to RELOP members, representatives from academia, diplomacy, students, companies and sector associations, as well as the general public, are invited to be present.

Participation in the 13th Annual RELOP Conference is free of charge, but subject to prior registration.

Our new website is out!

We are proud to announce the launch of our new RELOP website.

RELOP presents a newly designed website with a fresh modern image: new areas, more images and more intuitive navigation.

The new website is a step further in our communications policy. You can visit the website on your PC, tablet or smartphone.

Over the next months we will explore together new website features. Stay tuned!

Jump in and discover everything this site has to offer you.

RELOP Strategic Plan 2022-2025

RELOP Strategic Plan 2022-2025 received all RELOP members’ contributions and was unanimously approved by the XV General Assembly, which took place on March 24, 2022.

This document has four main parts:

  • Framework

  • Organizational identity – Mission, Vision and Values

  • Trends and challenges

  • Strategic objectives

Those are the main objectives leading RELOP activity for the next years.